Diary of a Network Geek

The trials and tribulations of a Certified Novell Engineer who's been stranded in Houston, Texas.


Still Clear

Filed under: Criticism, Marginalia, and Notes,Deep Thoughts,Life, the Universe, and Everything,News and Current Events,Personal,Red Herrings — Posted by the Network Geek during the Hour of the Pig which is in the late evening or 10:51 pm for you boring, normal people.
The moon is Waxing Gibbous

Well, according to the doctor, I’m still okay.

Actually, when I finally got the results of my PET scan, the results were better than “okay”. It seems that the scar tissue on my lung from the lymphoma has actually reduced and there’s active, visible healing going on there. So, I’m clean for another three months, when I’ll do this again.

I have to admit, I was a little worried, but, I guess that’s fairly normal. My doctor was actually quite pleased with the fact that I’d put on a little too much weight since I’d seen her last. She, and her entire staff of nurses, were positively giggly over my hair and how healthy I looked in general. I do feel good, but, I’m still very aware of how out of shape I am. And, I’m leary of every little cough or anything unusual,health-wise, at all. I hope that goes away, or at least reduces in intensity, eventually.

So, in short, to recap, or, to state again in a slightly different way, I’m good.
Oh, and before I forget, my mother finally found my blog, so everyone wave and say hello!


Coffee is good for you!

Filed under: Deep Thoughts,Fun,Fun Work,News and Current Events — Posted by the Network Geek during the Hour of the Hare which is in the early morning or 7:24 am for you boring, normal people.
The moon is a First Quarter Moon

Hey, I’ve known that for years!

Well, according to this article on MSN Health, scientists tend to agree with me. Not only can coffee help with headaches and lift your mood, but it could lower your risk of cavities, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and colon cancer. WOW! That’s a lot of medicine in a little “bad” habit! A lot of this, of course, is related to the high levels of caffiene in coffee, which is why I drink it in the first place. Double bonus!
Of course the article goes on to say that more scientific study needs to be done to determine the full impact of all these findings, but it all sounds pretty good to me.
So, hey, it’s Friday, do something for your health: have another cup of coffee!


Dark Beer is Good for you!

Filed under: Fun,News and Current Events,Personal — Posted by the Network Geek during the Hour of the Hare which is in the early morning or 7:32 am for you boring, normal people.
The moon is Waxing Gibbous

No, really, there’s a scientific study!

Right here on MSN Health they say that dark beer is good for you. Or, at least, better for you than the lighter beers. Something about the “flavonoids” that make it dark help prevent blood clots, which help prevent blood-vessel related problems. (This is also how that whole red wine thing works, too, by the way.) So, what the heck, it’s Friday, go have a nice, dark beer. For your health!


Peanut Butter is Good for you!

Filed under: Fun,News and Current Events,Personal — Posted by the Network Geek during the Hour of the Hare which is in the early morning or 7:02 am for you boring, normal people.
The moon is Waning Crescent

No, really, it’s true!

Of course, I’ve been saying this for years, but now, according to this article on MSNHealth, scientists agree with me! So, now, almost all of my favorites are good for me. Last week, it was caffeine, now it’s peanut butter. Life is getting better!!

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